Site Rules

Transporting Guns: 

All guns MUST be transferred between your vehicle and the safe zone within a gun bag or case.

We have a zero tolerance policy and non-adherence will incur a site ban. Cases and bags can be purchased at the on site shop on game day.

Site FPS limits :

All guns to be used on site, MUST be chrono’ed without fail.
We use our own magazines and BB’s to ensure heavier weight BB’s are not used to circumvent the chrono’.

We have a large selection of magazines to hand but if you have a gun with unique or rare magazines, please bring an empty magazine to chrono which we will load with our BB’s.

AEG : 350fps using 0.2g bb
DMR : 450fps using 0.2g bb – ( locked to semi )*
Bolt Action: 500fps using 0.2g bb – ( Bolt action )*

* ( DMR & Snipers have a 30 metre engagement distance )

Safe Zone :

Magazines must be removed from all guns whilst in the safezone. 

Grenades (pyro & gas/spring/blank firing) must be stowed in a pouch.

No dry firing in the safezone

Age Limits : 

Under 18’s MUST without fail wear Full Face Protection. Shemages will not suffice, Mesh or Plastic is required.

At Dragon’s Lair our insurance allows players from 11 years old to play.

However, we recommend that all “Young Gun” players are accompanied by a parent or responsible adult, who stays on site for the day.

We have often found that fathers come along with their sons and end up playing too!

We do not charge for adults who accompany Young Guns (unless they play too) and they are welcome to free tea and coffee.


Player Set Up Area

We have areas in the safe zone to support around 160 players, with benches and tables

Free Coffee & Tea

Tea and coffee is free all day for all players.

Gun Tech

We are fully equipped with our experienced onsite Gun Tech, Darren Burns getting you back in the game if you encounter any gun problems.

AirsoftZone Shop

Airsoft Zone’s fully stocked shop, supplying you with consumables and displaying new guns and accessories for that “spare” you always need.


Stifford Hotel have a special Dragons Lair lunch menu, keep an eye out for the QR codes to order in the safe zone

Allergy Information